
  • Court Certified Portuguese Interpreter – New York/New Jersey (Master level)
  • Contract Interpreter for the State Department
  • Simultaneous/Consecutive Portuguese Interpreter
  • Written Translation (latest documents)
    • US Federal Court statutes related to drug trafficking;
    • Federal criminal case involving gambling corporations in the Portuguese-speaking province of Macao;
    • Federal Court arraignments against drug defendants;
    • Corporate Contracts;
    • Cooling Tower Manuals;
    • Statutes and regulations for elections in the Portuguese-speaking province of Macao;
    • London Metal Exchange transactions;
    • Sports promotion/advertisement websites (car racing, soccer, etc.)
  • Voice Over in Brazilian Portuguese
    • Advanced Training: Radioschool, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    • Corporate recordings, broadcastings, internal training videos, CEO speeches, automated telephone services, narrations, cartoons, commercials, etc.

Information Technology

IBM two-day seminar – Brazilian Channels Technology – Topics covered, among others: IBM Systems Manager, Virtualization, System X, Cloud Computing, IBM Systems Storage Solutions, PureSystems, Intel/Emulex.
IBM headquarters, Durham, NC

IBM presentation to Brazilian bank Banco do Brasil IT personnel – Subjects: IBM perspectives on technological evolution; big data and analytics; application of cloud computing (public, private and hybrid) to banking; innovations in server application and hosting capabilities; IBM’s core banking technologies.
IBM headquarters, NY

IBM Presentation to Brazilian Bank (Bradesco) IT expert personnel department –  Subjects: data warehousing and analytics, data integration, componentization, integrated metadata strategies, data repository, mixed workloads and advance analytics.
IBM headquarters, NY

Three-day Seminar on IT Surveillance/Video Camera Software (Xprotect Milestone Products)
Hilton Hotel, São Paulo, Brazil

IBM – Introduction of System Z Solution Technology to Brazilian Bradesco Bank Representatives
IBM headquarters, NY


Environmental Defense Fund – Presentations by the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to the Amazon rainforest farmer’s association named “Land Alliance” on climate change, agriculture, carbon trading, and mitigation.
Washington D.C.

Carbon Markets Americas – unlocking Latin America’s true carbon market potential – Use of land, forestry, biodiversity, and different ecosystems as clean development mechanisms.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Latin America Renewable Energy Forum – Conference on alternative/sustainable energy options as an attempt to minimize climate change/environmental damages resulting from mainstream energy source consumption.
São Paulo, Brazil.

Public Health and Climate Change: The Urban Policy Connection – Sustainable energy use strategies for New York City, including speech by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Columbia University, New York, NY.

Brazil’s Energy Strategy – Presentation by Coaltrans Brazil on the environmental impact of coal and steel industries and technologies.
Sofitel Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Renewable Energy Finance Forum – Sustainable wind, thermal, photovoltaic, and hydro energy use in Latin America.
Sofitel Hotel, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.

AES Electricity and Gas – Project proposal presentations by two different AES Brazilian employee groups to a panel comprised of seven high ranking managing members of AES from the United States.
Westin Hotel, Cancun, Mexico.

15th Anniversary of Copel’s Listing at the NY Stock Exchange (the largest energy provider for the state of Paraná, Brazil) – meetings between the governor of the state of Paraná, Brazil, as well as the President of Copel, and investors/members of the press followed by presentations.
New York Stock Exchange.

Health, Safety and Environment – Simultaneous Conference Interpreting over the phone for an internal AES meeting webcasted to its branches worldwide.

United Nations Development Program – Nine-day meeting involving representatives of different nations to address biodiversity conservation of indigenous communities in developing countries, as part of the UN Equatorial Initiative Program.
UNICEF Building at the United Nations.

Presentations by the CEO of Copel(energy provider for the Brazilian state of Paraná) and the Governor of the same Brazilian state – audience members: NY Stock Exchange shareholders, investors and stakeholders.
New York Stock Exchange.

Dynamics of Rural Transformation in Emerging Economies – Conference information website for more details: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/71360917/Dynamics-of-Rural-Transformation-in-Emerging-Economies.
New Delhi, India.

Coltrans Brazil Conference – Merging Brazilian and Latin American coal consumers and their suppliers.  Subjects covered: global coal markets, opportunities for alternative fuel sources, coal in Brazil’s energy matrix, expansion opportunities for Brazil’s steel industry in the domestic market, etc.
Sofitel Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Medical/Pharmaceutical/Health related

Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Replacement Training – Demonstration of Biomet’s hip and knee surgical techniques and cadaveric lab workshops.
Biomet Orthopedics Skills Academy, Warsaw, IN

Merck Pharmaceuticals Webcast – Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernioplasty – Subjects covered, among others: Muscle relaxant, muscle relaxant reversal, Pneumoperitoneum, abdominal compliance, anesthesia, neuromuscular blocking, Propofol, tracheal intubation, atelectasis, residual blockade, hypoxia and other respiratory issues during surgery, etc.
Interpreting performed remotely during webcast.

Baxter Pharmaceuticals – auditing by Anvisa (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency). Areas covered, among others: Standard Operations Procedures, Warehousing and Sampling Areas, Water System Validation, Production Areas, Equipment and Batch Maintenance and Qualification, Quality Control Labs.
Baxter Pharmaceuticals Headquarters, Bloomington, IN.

Harvard Internal Medicine – Seven-day Conference. Topics covered, among others: Oncology, Diabetes, Bout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Urology, Celiac Sprue, Clostridium Difficile Infection, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Osteoporosis, Endocrinology, Obesity, Hyperlipidemia, Coronary Syndromes and Disease, Fatty Live Disease, Infectious Diseases, Ophthalmology, Clinical Ethics, Cardiac Imaging, Cardiology and Heart Disease, Atrial Fibrillation, Proteinuria and Hematuria, Nephrology, Venous Thromboembolism, Cutaneous Malignancies, Hypertension, Sleep Apnea, stroke.
Harvard University, Boston, MA.

Harvard University Addiction Treatment Seminar for Physicians – Topics covered, among others: Substance Abuse Patients, Toxicology, Role of Attachment in Addiction Treatment.
Harvard University, Boston, MA.

Ongoing project for Hemagen Diagnostics in Brazil – meetings between the CEO and distributors, clients and staff members of its branch in São Paulo, Brazil. Issues
discussed, among others: back orders and inventory, diagnostic equipment and test kits, diagnostic equipment service and repair, customs and import related taxes.  Includes a three-day trade show held by The Brazilian Association for Clinical Analysis (SBAC).
São Paulo, Brazil.

Shering Plough Pharmaceuticals Conference – Laboratory quality, inventory control, manufacturing cycle reduction and improvement of sampling, testing, labeling
and packaging processes of pharmaceutical products.
Summit, NJ.

International Conference on Rabies in the Americas – subjects covered, among  others: rabies epidemiology and surveillance; rabies virus neutralizing antibodies; comparative post-mortem histopathology of immune responses in human rabies encephalitis; comparable pathogenesis of experimental rabies virus infection in red foxes; survival of human rabies without a neutralizing antibody; characterization of plant-derived monoclonal antibody cocktail for human rabies prophylaxis. Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Medical Conference on Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Undifferentiated Arthritis and other joint inflammation diseases.
Crowne Plaza Hotel, New York, NY

Qualicorp Health Insurance Management – Global provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage and human capital consulting. Topics covered, among others: the healthcare sector in Brazil, individual health insurance vs. affinity group health insurance, interface with beneficiaries, enrollment, billing, prevention of medical loss ratios (MLR), insurance fraud reduction and prevention.
Qualicorp offices, New York, NY.

Annual Symposium on Vascular and Endovascular Issues (VEITH Symposium) – Subjects covered, among others: aortic endografts, aortic dissections, thoracic aneurysms, spinal cord ischemia, telescoping methods for aortic and arterial anastomoses, carotid stenosis, aortic bifurcation, aortoiliac occlusive disease, stent grafts, treatment of popliteal aneurysms with stent grafts, cardiac risk in vascular surgery patients, extra cranial venous obstructions.
Hilton Hotel, New York, NY.

Indiana University School of Dentistry Annual Conference – topics covered, among others: recent advances and developments in composite dental restorative materials, dental composite photopolymerization; biodegradable polymer networks in dental applications, laser systems for dental procedures, resins in restorative dentistry, dental adhesive compositions, dimethacrylate-based dental filling materials.
Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, IN.

Genzyme Summit on Lysosomal Storage Disease Treatments and Medications – Rare diseases covered in depth: Fabry, Gaucher, MPS (Mucopolysaccharidosis), Niemann Pick and Pompe disorders.
Genzyme Headquarters, Boston, MA.

Bloomberg Foundation – Global Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use. Guest Speakers: Mr. José Agenor Álvares da Silva, Director of Anvisa (Brazilian FDA), Dr. Luiz Antonio Santini, General Director for the Brazilian National Cancer Institute, and representatives of the Department of Health in Brazil.
Bloomberg Tower, New York, NY.

United Nations

United Nations General Assembly Week – Promoting Access to Essential Drugs at Home and in the Global South – meeting between stakeholders of different countries – including the Brazilian Vice-Minister of Health – on the challenges of manufacturing non-generic drugs for non-communicable diseases worldwide. Issues covered, among others: patents, intellectual property, pricing issues and cooperation by the private sector, and policies adopted by India, Brazil and South Africa.
United Nations.


Fifth Annual Brazilian Itau Bank Securities/Latin America CEO Conference – Speech by former Finance Minister of Brazil Federal Congressman Antonio Palocci, among others.
New York Palace Hotel, New York, NY.

New York Stock Exchange Presentation to High Profile Investors – Presentation by former Brazilian Minister of Finance – Mr. Malan, and the CEO of Brazilian Bank Unibanco.
New York Stock Exchange.

Swiss Reinsurance Presentation to Bradesco Bank – Financial service presentation covering the following subjects, among others: Securitizations and Syndications, Micro Insurance, Hedging, Risk Transfer, Annuities, and Asset Management.
Swiss Reinsurance Offices, New York, NY

International Arbitration – Contractual Dispute Involving Cement Manufacturing Import/Export Companies from Brazil, the United States, and Luxembourg.  Expert witness testimony of highly specialized accountants and auditors from Brazil.
Paris, France

Financial Audits in Brazil – Sarbanes-Oxley related audits of Brazilian companies on behalf of  PCAOB  – Industries: aviation, ethanol and sugar, retail, telecommunications, etc. Branch offices of Ernst and Young, Deloitte and Touché.
São Paulo, Brazil.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act/anti-corruption related auditing and interviews  – Two-week long assignment conducted by US attorneys and auditors from Alix Partners at the Brazilian offices of an IT company with headquarters in the US (name not disclosed to preserve confidentiality).
São Paulo, Brazil.


Latin America and Caribbean Summit – Two-day conference for the travel industry.
Cesar Park Hotel, São Paulo, Brazil.


Personal Interpreter for former Governor of Rio de Janeiro State, Mr. Sergio Cabral, during the event “Invest in Rio” – press conferences and meetings with company representatives, such as the Senior Directors for Cisco Systems and Oracle Corporation, as well as The Honorable Michael Chertof, former secretary of Homeland Security.
Plaza Hotel, New York, NY.

United Nations/UNICEF – Millennium Development Goals on Behalf of Poor Children Worldwide – Speeches: UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow, President of Bangladesh Ms. Iajuddin Ahmed, President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Danilo Turk and First Special Secretary for Human Rights in Brazil, Mr. Paulo Vannuchi.
UNICEF Headquarters, New York, NY.

Brazilian Presidential Campaign of Senator Marina Silva – Presentation to the New York financial community as to the candidate’s prospects for enhancing the Brazilian economy. Sponsored by the Brazilian Stock Exchange.
New York Palace Hotel, New York, NY.

Presentation by former Vice President of Brazil, Mr. Marcos Maciel – Trading opportunities between Brazil and the United States.
Department of Foreign Trade, New York, NY.

Presentation by former Brazilian Minister of Agrarian Reform, Mr. Raul Jungman – “The ‘Landless’ Movement in Brazil”
New York, NY.

Port Management

Port Authority of NY/NJ Tours and Presentations – Visits and presentations provided by the US Coast Guard to a group of Brazilian stakeholders, with focus on VTMIS (Vessel Traffic Management Information Systems) and Port Managing Operating Systems. Port Logistics Modeling, Container Inspection, Risk Analysis and Dredging


National Retail Federation Annual Summit – advertisement, marketing, fashion, global retailing, retail technology, worldwide retail taxes, industry information, merchandizing innovations. Javits Center, New York, NY.


Urban Educators Summit – Seminar on ways to improve public school education worldwide, with presentations by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and several other legislators and school authorities worldwide.
Columbia University, New York, NY.

Oil/Offshore Drilling

Directional Oil Drilling Equipment Repair and Assembly Training Seminar – five day technical/hands on seminar for Brazilian mechanical engineers.

Ongoing Consulting Project for Transpetro Brazil – including visits to different oil terminals in Brazil (client: Solomon Consulting)